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Improve my Sleep Challenge!

Designed to help you commit to a good nights sleep and feeling more rested during the day.

Goal to commit to 7 hours of sleep each night. Points are gained by setting nightly goals and reaching them. 1 point is given for each hour of sleep/night and 1 Bonus point given for any sleep time over 7 hours. Record what you do. If you only sleep 4 hours then give yourself 4 points. Goal is to improve and get points for activities that help you improve

Record and keep track of your sleep in TriFit.challengerunner.com.

Challenge starts Friday June 9 and will end on Sunday July 9. record your stats daily! last day to enter stats will be July 10th!

Rewards given to those with the most points but also those that improve their sleep hours up to 7 hours or more a night by the end of the challenge.

Emails and tipsheets will be available on "How improve your sleep"

Good Night!