Collecting and Validating Virtual Race Results

Data collection and verification is the single most difficult task for any virtual race.

AccuRun solves your race results collection problems by providing state-of-the-art systems for recording runner data:

Smartphone App
Full-featured iPhone and Android apps that allows runners to train for and participate in your current virtual races and view past and future races.
Web Page
Internet-based data entry page provides a simple method for runners to submit results if your virtual race allows manual entry.
Activity Tracker (Coming Soon)
Select smartwatches will soon be able to record and submit race results without the need for a smartphone.

Race Data Collection
When a runner opens the free smartphone app, they will see all of the current and recently completed races in which they are enrolled in an easily swipeable layout. For past races, participants can view results and a race log. For current races using a range of start times, the user has the option to start the race. If the virtual race is set to start at a specific time, they will see a countdown timer. When the race starts, runners will see and hear a notification telling them to start running. The device GPS tracks current runner position which is then used to provide feedback on their current position in the race as well as distance remaining.
Race Results
When the system calculates that the runner has reached desired race distance, it will inform the user that the race is complete and state their finish time. This information is in turn sent to the AccuRun database where it is recorded and displayed on the virtual race results leaderboard. As runners complete the race, the leaderboard is continuously updated to provide real-time feedback to participants. If the race director has allowed the manual entry of race results, three leaderboards will be available: one for manually entered data, one for app recorded and validated data, and a combined leaderboard of both manual and validated data.
There are countless ways to cheat on a race using automated trackers and a simple search will reveal just how easy it is. However, the AccuRun platform was designed to allow race directors to adjust the accuracy and verification settings to provide virtual race results that, while not perfect, are as close as technology can bring us. To achieve this, the AccuRun app uses GPS data to record runner progress and various biometric readings from the device to validate that the user is indeed running instead of say, riding on a bike or in a car. With that in mind, we still do not recommend using the current (or any other online) system for races where significant prizes are awarded to the winners.
Safety & Security
Data collection doesn't end with gathering and validating participant data. To keep your participant data safe and comply with HIPAA and HITECH laws, personal health information must be kept safe during transmission and storage. To that end, all data sent to and from AccuRun and the user's browser or smartphone is encrypted using the same HTTPS technology used by your bank. Furthermore, all race data is encrypted on our database. To go a step further, we store the bare minimum information about both races and runners. Both race directors and runners have the ability to delete the data stored in the system although final results leaderboards are still available as they would be in any race.