Final Thoughts
There are very few true “win-win” situations in life much less in business. Wellness programs in general and fitness
challenges specifically are among the few exceptions. When your employees get rewarded while achieving the greater reward
of good health and your organization both saves money and becomes a better place to work, fitness challenges really are a
Throughout this handbook, we have explored ways to design and manage an employee fitness challenge that will be engaging
and rewarding for the participant, controllable for the administrator and profitable for the enterprise. While there are
no absolute right and wrong techniques when putting a fitness challenge together, hopefully this guide offered you some
new ideas with which to experiment. After a few tries, you will have a program worked out that will be customized to your
workers, organization and culture.
This handbook is the culmination of many years of running and studying fitness competitions with my clients. I hope it helps
with your next fitness challenge and would very much appreciate any feedback you are willing to provide.